Veto-Proof Majority of Minneapolis City Councillors Commit to Disbanding Police Department

A veto-proof majority of nine Minneapolis City Councillors appear to have endorsed the full abolition of the Minneapolis Police Department, making it likely that the city will soon proceed with a radical social experiment in which a major American city will go without law enforcement .

Jeremiah Ellison, a Minneapolis City Councillor and the son of left-wing pro-ANTIFA Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, was among the first of the city councilors to stand behind the full abolition of the city police department. Lisa Bender, the President of the City Council, followed shortly after, moving the proposal towards political reality.

The Appeal reported that nine members of the city council signed onto a pledge that endorses the disbanding of the police department on Sunday. The amount of councilors who have signed will place the initiative beyond the possibility of a mayor’s veto.

Bender stated on Sunday that the council’s plan to abolish the police department will “end policing as we know it, and to recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe.” It’s still unclear exactly what the Minneapolis Council’s replacement for the existing law enforcement system will look like, and the possibilities range from little more than a PR-friendly rebrand of the Minneapolis Police Department to an unprecedented social experiment in which de facto militias will step in the void of previous civilian law enforcement.

Progressive Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey was forced to depart from an anti-police protest in a literal walk of shame on Saturday, being aggressively jeered and booed after he refused to commit to the disbanding of the police department. Frey attempted to deflect away from the issue with vague progressive platitudes, but when a protest organizer demanded that he answer the question, he was viciously booed and quite literally exiled from the protest event.

Frey is also hoping to receive more than $55 million in bailout funds from the federal government in order to repair the damages inflicted upon the city through the race riots he failed to contain as mayor. The abolition of the police department all but assures that his request will be flatly denied, as the possibility of the city being ransacked by rioters and looters in the future after the police department is abolished is considerably more likely.

The social experiment will ultimately place the left’s vision of a police-free society to the test.

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