VICTORY: ‘We Build The Wall’ Gate Ordered Shut, Organization Blasts Daily Caller As ‘Fake News’

The private sector effort to build a wall on the southern border of the United States, We Build The Wall, has announced a major victory after they received permission to lock and shut its gate from the federal government, contradicting reports from media outlets that claimed the gate was locked open after being built without a permit.
We Build The Wall, the viral campaign to privately fund the border wall that raised over $20 million via GoFundMe, is blasting fake news and thanking the federal government for its cooperation in the private construction effort to build a wall on the southern border.
Multiple media outlets reported earlier this week that the border wall was ordered chained open by the federal government because We Build The Wall did not have a permit for its construction. The federal agency Daily Caller claimed ordered this released its own statement revealing that the version of the story Kolfage says was run by The Daily Caller, Daily Beast, and Buzzfeed was only partially correct, as the gate is chained and locked shut at night and the agency is working with We Build The Wall on its permit request.
We Build The Wall also explained that the wall has armed guards securing the area during the day. In short, there is no problem with the privately funded and constructed border wall.
The International Boundary and Water Commission United States Section revealed that the gate was temporarily opened for federal personnel to travel through it, and then locked again at the conclusion of the work. Its statement notes that it “will lock the privately-owned gate on federal property at night effective immediately due to security concerns,” and that their officials “removed the private lock, opened the gate, and locked the gate open pending further discussions with We Build the Wall.”
Kolfage seems to say that Daily Caller and the other media outlets reported on a very brief period in which the gate was open and passed it off as a permanent situation.
We Build The Wall also released a video with one of the foreman from the project offering more insight.
“We have to talk about the fake news. The gate is closed and locked, it is open during the day and locked open with security personnel on project,” said the foreman. “The gate is closed by the IBWC, they just locked it at 7 o’clock this evening, so don’t listen to the fake news. It’s a bunch of lies.”
Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee veteran who started the We Build The Wall project, also blasted The Daily Caller, Buzzfeed, and The Daily Beast for producing what he considers fake news about the organization, saying he is “really surprised” about Daily Caller, and will “stop reading them until they fire Andrew Kerr.”
The media has been skeptical of the We Build The Wall project since its inception, and Big League Politics was happy to report that the organization defied the swamp’s expectations with massive success in its border wall construction.
On Monday, We Build the Wall, a nonprofit that raised money via crowdfund to build a border wall on private land, released a video showing at least a half mile of wall it built in New Mexico with the money it raised, proving the left wing, fake news media detractors wrong.
“Shocker! The GoFundMe Campaign to Build the Wall Is a Bust,” was the headline of a May 10 piece by Will Sommer in The Daily Beast.
Sommer’s piece implied that the entire project, led by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage, was a scam designed to bilk money from unsuspecting donors.
The Daily Beast did not reply to Big League Politics’ request for comment for the above story.