VINDICATED: Judge Roy Moore Wins $8.2 Million Defamation Judgment Against Senate Majority PAC

The Senate Majority PAC, the Democrat swamp apparatus in Washington D.C., is being forced to pay a $8.2 million judgment to Judge Roy Moore after a jury found them guilty of defamation.
The Senate Majority PAC helped Democrats win a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama back in 2017, killing Moore’s chances to win as an outsider. The destruction of his campaign included circulating ads with false accusations that insinuated Moore is a pedophile.
The claim deemed defamatory by the court was used by the Senate Majority PAC in their “Shopping Mall Ad” against Moore. It claimed falsely that Moore was “actually banned from the Gadsden mall for soliciting sex from young girls.” Now, they will have to pay $8.2 for their scurrilous accusations.
“This is a huge blow to a major super PAC out of Washington D.C. That interfered in a senate election in the state of Alabama. The people of this state are tired of the dirty politics and attempts by the establishment in Washington DC to control who the people of this state elect to the United States Senate. I feel this is vindication and I give thanks to Almighty God and the jurors in this case for a great victory over the corrupt political system,” Moore said in a press release after the verdict.
“The verdict by this jury of regular people of the state of Alabama represents a great legal victory over those who will say and do anything to capture an election including dragging the name of a good man through the mud to destroy a hard earned reputation. The facts of this case were so egregious that the jury quickly found actual malice against the Senate majority super PAC. God’s truth and justice won the day for Judge Roy Moore,” said Jeff Wittenbrink, Moore’s attorney, in a press release.
Big League Politics reported on how the Gadsden mall ban was unsubstantiated fake news when the fake news media laundered the story back in 2017:
“The strategist for Roy S. Moore told the media that the campaign has knocked down the mainstream media narrative that the former judge, who is the Alabama GOP nominee for the Dec. 12 special Senate election, was banned from the Gadsden Mall.
“We are intent upon bringing out the truth, when no one in the press or in D.C. seems to care,” said Brett Doster, Moore’s campaign strategist.