Virgin Islands Senator Believes Evidence on Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Island Has Likely Been ‘Lost’

The New York Police Department and FBI finally raided Jeffrey Epstein’s private sex island earlier this week, but U.S. Virgin Islands Sen. Oakland Benta (D) believes those efforts were in vain as all of the evidence there implicating Epstein and his child trafficking network was likely “lost.”
Benta appeared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight on Monday where he shot down the hopes of those still expecting justice following Epstein’s sudden and mysterious death inside his jail cell at the Metropolitan Correction Center in New York on Saturday morning.
“What’s going on here is what should have happened a long time ago,” Benta said. “As a result of all that has transpired, the federal government decided [to investigate] now, whether it’s too late or not — because there have been so many people on the island since Mr. Epstein has been incarcerated and, at the same time, there’s valuable information, evidence-wise, that we may have lost.”
“What’s going on is that they have seized the island, and they’re moving forward and doing, probably, what you call asset forfeiture, as far as securing what they can,” Benta added.
President Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr have vowed to get to the bottom of the curious situation and maintain that justice will be served despite Epstein’s surreal death.
“Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death,” Barr said in a press release this weekend.
“Basically what we’re saying is we want an investigation. I want a full investigation, and that’s what I absolutely am demanding. That’s what our attorney general, our great attorney general is doing. He’s doing a full investigation,” Trump said to reporters in New Jersey on Tuesday.
However, Benta fears that a proper investigation may be impossible due to Epstein’s death and the likely destruction of evidence that has already occurred on his private sex island.
“I’m very upset that our very government leadership, stewardship of this government, who are part of it — participated and turned a blind eye for financial gain,” Benta said.
The senator explained in detail to Breitbart News how the Virgin Islands has become a hot bed for predatory behavior by the world’s rich elite.
“What has happened with this is the members who are responsible to make sure that the individuals who came in [to the U.S. Virgin Islands] under the program [of economic development] were legitimate, that they, in fact, had the resources as far as what was put on paper, and that they were vetted through Interpol as well as the State Department,” he said.
“What ended up happening was that cash became the access for turning a blind eye and allowing the fraudulent acts to take place on the territory by individuals who did not have what they said they had, and in hiding all of this in hedge funds as they did it, and manipulating and controlling the government of the Virgin Islands,” he added.
“And some senators, who they financed as far as campaigns and other things, a blind eye was turned, and of course, here comes the tax evasion and the fraud … by hiding all that they said they had by fraudulent acts. It was all a scam,” Benta concluded.