Virginia Attorney General Declares that Universities Cannot Impose Vaccine Mandates on Students

Since taking office earlier this year, Virginia’s new Attorney General Jason Miyares has been on a tear. 

Miyares stood out for his decision to fire dozens of lawyers, mostly in the state’s Civil Rights division. On top of that, he announced investigations into Loudon County Public Schools and the Virginia Parole Board.

Further, Miyares fired Democratic attorneys from the University of Virginia and George Mason University. Miyares said he “wants the university counsel to return to giving legal advice based on law, and not the philosophy of a university,”

He added, “We plan to look internally first for the next lead counsel.” 

Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge noted that Miyares has not stopped there. Currently, Miyares put forward a legal opinion that public universities in Virginia cannot impose Wuhan virus vaccine mandates for students. 

“There is no question that the General Assembly could enact a statute requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for in-person school attendance,” he declared in a press release published on January 28, 2022. 

Miyares added that “As of this writing, they have not done so.”

“Although the General Assembly specifically authorized public institutions of higher education to assist the Department of Health and local health departments in the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine, the legislation did not grant such institutions power to impose vaccine requirements,” the Virginia Attorney General continued. 

As Durden noted, Virginia is following in the footsteps of  Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Montana, Arizona, Utah and Florida, all states which have prohibited  universities from imposing vaccine mandates. 

Miyares won his race in 2021 when he ran against Democratic incumbent Mark Herring. He won the race by a 50.4% to 49.6%.

Miyares is shaping up to be a solid AG. As they say, personnel is policy. The Youngkin government is on the right course with the likes of Miyares among its team.

When elected to higher office, conservatives would be best served by having elected officials who use political power to purge the Left and weaken their political networks.

At the end of the day, someone is going to have to use power. And it better be used to advance a right wing agenda for our sake.

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