Virginia Governor Criticizes the Biden Regime For Border Crisis After Attempted Breach On Virginia Base

On May 22, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin criticized President Joe Biden for the current crisis taking place at the southern border with Mexico. He specially did so after two Jordanian nationals attempted to breach a Virginia base.
Youngkin made an appearance on “The Ingraham Angle” to talk about the attempted breach of Quantico Marine Corps Base in early May, when two men were placed in the custody of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after Marine Corps apprehended them.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham grilled the Virginia governor on the issue as Biden regime officials have stayed silent on the issue concerning the immigration status of both individuals. She specifically asked Youngkin if he received a response after sending a letter of request on the information to President Joe Biden.
“None. But let’s just be clear, Joe Biden has brought the border crisis literally to the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base,” Youngkin noted. “What we know, at least reported, are two Jordanian illegal immigrants were driving a box truck through a secure gate and luckily they were stopped.”
“Well, again, this begs the question. We have millions of people in the country illegally, we have had at least two million by official counts, probably a lot more, got-aways. We don’t know who these people are, what their intentions are. We have tens of thousands of Chinese nationals who have come into the country. A lot of defense experts believe they’re sleeper agents for the CCP and we’re all supposed to say, ‘Yay, isn’t this wonderful? Diversity, great,’” Ingraham replied.
“This is the fourth incident in just the recent past, two in Virginia, two in California. Where there’s been attempted breaches of our most classified and important defense installations in America. This is what we have got from Joe Biden, a failed border policy. And as a result, not just the drug crisis, not just young women being sexually assaulted or murdered, but now we are seeing assaults and breaches at our most secure military installations. It has failed,” Youngkin added.
“Listen, Laura, at the end of the day, what this proves once again, is that the most — most important topic on Virginians minds and on Americans’ minds is border security. That’s why we have to elect Donald Trump this November. He will, in fact, fix this. Joe Biden could fix it with a stroke of a pen tomorrow. He is refusing to do it. He is putting Americans’ lives at risk and is putting our national security at risk. This can be fixed with a stroke of a pen and he refuses to do it,” the Virginia governor said in a concluding remark.
Reports about the Quantico Base breach emerged in the middle of May, highlighting that two men tried to breach the base while driving a box truck. The men allegedly drove the truck all the way up to the bases’ front gate. From there, they told the guards that they were contractors for Amazon and were dropping off packages at the base’s post office.
According to the bases’ vetting protocols, the men were requested to go through a vetting procedure as they lacked credentials and had no connection to the base. At one point, one official observed that the driver was not listening to the instructions given, trying to move the truck well past the holding area.
Local reports alleged that one of the individuals is a Jordanian national who went across the US southern border. The other is alleged to be believed to be on the US terrorist watch list.
Immigration, left unchecked, can become dangerous on a national security level. After all, the US has made tons of enemies abroad through its interventions abroad while maintaining a porous border.
This is just asking for a terror to attack to go down on American soil.
Now more than ever, the US needs America First policies with respect to immigration restriction and non-interventionist foreign policies.