Voters Demand Investigation of Social Media Platforms

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 77% of likely US voters believe that it’s likely that prominent social media companies such as Facebook censor news and posts due to political bias. This includes 52% who believe it is very likely. Only 14% said it’s unlikely social media sites are engaging in censorship.
Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter, the company has grown more transparent about its previously controversial practices. Upon releasing information that detailed how Twitter censored news during the 2020 election, Republicans promised to investigate when they end up taking control of the United States House of Representatives in January. 66% of voters approve the Republican plan to investigate social media censorship, which includes 43% who Strongly Approve. 26% of voters disapprove, which includes 13% who strongly disapprove.
72% think social media censorship is a serious problem, which includes 49% who believe it’s a “very serious” problem. 20% don’t believe it’s a serious problem.
There is a clear political divide on the perception of social media censorship. 69% of Republicans believe censorship is a “very serious” problem. By contrast, 32% of Democrats share the same view.
For independent voters, 49% of them indicated that social media censorship is a “very serious” problem.
70% of Republicans, 39% of Democrats, and 49% independent voters believe it’s “very likely” that social media giants such as Facebook censor news and posts due to political bias.
86% of Republicans, 52% of Democrats or 63% of independent voters agree with Republican plans to investigate social media censorship.
71% of white, 75% of black, and 74% of other non-white minority voters believe social media censorship is at least a somewhat serious problem. 69% of white, 47% of black , and 72% of other non-white minority voters at least somewhat support Republican plans in Congress to investigate social media censorship.
Voters below the age of 40 are less likely than old voters to view social media censorship as a “very serious” problem.
Investigations are great, but they must ultimately be followed up with legislative action in order to generate real change. In the meantime, the states should take it upon themselves to crack down on Big Tech and show these companies that their willingness to collaborate with the managerial regime will be met with harsh reprisals.
There is simply too much gridlock in DC for meaningful political change to occur. It’s in the states where the real public policy answers will be found.