#WalkAway Campaign Releasing Short Film About Black Americans Leaving Democratic Party

The #WalkAway campaign, which has been instrumental to tens of thousands of Americans fleeing the Democratic Party, is releasing a “documonial” film just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

The short film is comprised of testimonials from black Americans who left the Democrats.

“This Sunday, Jan. 20th, #WalkAway will be releasing the world’s first “documonial” short film- this is a testimonial documentary, comprised of the interweaving of #WalkAway testimonials of black Americans. This #WalkAway documonial was created by our patriot, Mike Boss, who painstakingly fashioned a powerful narrative after watching hours of testimonial footage,” according to a press release.

Boss is an actor and producer in Hollywood, who himself walked away from the political left.

“Mr. Boss skillfully and compelling sews together the common experiences of these Americans as they explore such stirring and complicated issues as indoctrination, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, the Obama years, the Trump years, immigration, and of course…walking away,” the release continued.

The campaign plans to host a live, worldwide YouTube watch party upon the film’s release.

“This short film has devastating potential for the Democratic Party, as it is sure to rouse awareness and trigger an avalanche of curiosity, disrupting the current and long-accepted narratives as they pertain to race and the two American political parties. Hence, the name of our film, ‘The Great Awakening: Breaking the Chains of the Democratic Party,'” the press release said.

Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway campaign, told Big League Politics:

I’ve often said that of all the things that have made me so proud since starting the #WalkAway Campaign, perhaps the thing that has made me feel the most proud are all the  black Americans who have boldly stepped forward to tell their stories. This group, arguably more than any other group, has been targeted by the Democratic Party in ways that has kept a disproportionate faction of this community suspended in a state of economic depression, dependence, mistrust, and isolation. But we are now on the threshold of a Great Awakening. Americans- regardless of race or background- are waking up to the truth about the Democratic Party, the liberal media, and the destruction that has been caused to so many minority communities because of the policies and false narratives perpetuated by the political left.

I am ecstatic for the world to see this “documonial” from the #WalkAway Campaign. It is the TRUE story of Black America BY Black America. It is the documentation of the most beautiful awakening of FREE people into self-empowerment and intellectual freedom.

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