Washington Post Publishes ‘Rockstar’ Photo of Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams

The Washington Post published a gushing profile of failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on Thursday, covering the Vice Presidential hopeful as if she were a celebrity instead of a political figure and a former member of the Georgia House of Representatives.

Most noticeably, the Bezos-owned Washington Post published an image of Abrams that would seem to be straight out of a Metallica or Iron Maiden concert. The loser of the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election was seen covered in darkness with mist surrounding her.

Could you ever imagine the fake news media publishing a similar image for a Republican? What politically insightful message is served through its publication?

The editorial coverage of Abrams was equally as gushing. WaPo writer Kevin Powell claims he’s “witnessed this level of affection for very few political leaders in the Democratic circles,” describing Abram’s attendance at an event at the Loudermilk Conference Center.

Powell’s coverage of Abram’s appearance at the conference is laughably worshipful.

Pandemonium ensues as she walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles. Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose. Again, the flashes explode.”

The former Georgia House representative, who made allegations of vote suppression and election fraud in the wake of her electoral defeat to Republican Brian Kemp, has been openly asking for Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden to select her for his Vice Presidential nominee.

Elements within Biden’s campaign have pushed back on her prospects as the party elder’s running mate, describing her public campaign for the Vice Presidency as off-putting.

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