WATCH: Border Patrol Leads Hundreds of Illegal Aliens To Processing After They Cross Border

A local Texas reporter posted a video showing U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials guiding hundreds of illegal aliens down a dark highway, with at least one bus waiting for them. Border Patrol effectively led them into the country where they can now await court dates and receive benefits to travel within the United States due to immigration law.

“Wednesday between 12:00 AM and 5:00 A.M. Border Patrol agents apprehended almost 300 undocumented immigrants in Los Ebanos, TX in 6 separate groups within those 5 hours. Here’s a video of hundreds of them crossing. Daily apprehension rate in [Rio Grande Valley] is 1,100,” said Sydney Hernandez of CBS4 on Twitter.

The illegal aliens can be seen being directed down the street by the CBP agents, while emergency lights flash in the background. A large charter bus waited nearby.

This is the second story this week involving CBP. In the first, the agency released a video showing the ease with which illegal aliens were crossing the U.S. southern border with Mexico in Arizona.

Big League Politics reported:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released a video Tuesday showing heavily armed men escorting two people across the U.S. southern border.

cameras observed armed men escorting a mother and her 8-year-old son to the int’l boundary west of Lukeville, AZ. The armed men dropped off the pair in an area commonly used by smugglers to bring large groups of Central Americans into the country illegally,” the law enforcement agency said, attaching a video.

The armed men exited a truck and escorted the  woman and child across a section of border protected only by a small log fence. One of the smugglers accompanied the woman and child between an opening in the fence, onto U.S. soil, and two others remained on the Mexican side of the fence. After walking with the woman and child for several yards, the third man walked back through the fence to Mexico.


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