WATCH: Father of Murdered Five-Year Old Cannon Hinnant Describes His Heartbreaking Last Moments With His Son

The father of murdered five-year old child Cannon Hinnant described the senseless death of his son in a new interview on Friday, recounting a loving father’s worst nightmare.

As a warning, this footage is truly heartbreaking and tragic.

You can’t imagine what it’s like to hold your son… While he’s suffering from a gunshot wound to the head… As his blood runs down my arm.

Austin Hinnant dropped to his knees and prayed for God’s mercy upon his son. Hinnant expressed his belief that God did ultimately show his mercy on young Cannon, who died, but is now united with his Creator in Paradise.

The tragic and senseless murder has been largely ignored by national media, with some speculating that the event is “politically inconvenient.” Hinnant was white, and the man arrested in his murder, 25-year old Darius N. Sessoms, is black. The utter callousness of the crime is brutal by any standard, with Sessoms being accused of approaching the five year old child while he was riding a bicycle and shooting him in the head.

A GoFundMe created for the benefit of the Hinnant family has raised more than $500,000 as of Saturday, a sum that will never fill the replaceable loss of a loved and innocent five-year old child.

If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

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