WATCH: Founder of Sharia Crime Stoppers Says ‘Sharia Law Is In Michigan’

Big League Politics contributor Laura Loomer to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
Richard Manasseri is the co-founder of Sharia Crime Stoppers, an organization focused on training local law enforcement to understand the criminal behavior sanctioned under Sharia Law and what officers could encounter on the streets of America.
Loomer sat down with Manasseri and asked him about why it is important to know about Sharia and what people need to know about El-Sayed. Is El-Sayed practicing Taqiyya in order to become the next Governor of Michigan and advance Islam in the United States?
“There are 140 mosques in the state of Michigan…each of the Imams at these mosques is supreme,” according to Manasseri. “The mosque itself is a seed of government. Sharia law is in Michigan. We have had leaders of organizations like CAIR Michigan say that it is.”
Manasseri has three daughters and two grand daughters. For him, his biggest concern with Sharia Law is how it deems women as property. Like many, Manasseri worries that if El-Sayed is elected as Governor of Michigan, women in the state will begin to experience less rights under a Governor who practices a completely different legal code than the United States Constitution.
“We are concerned about the personal safety of individual people, and as we’ve said, that would primarily be women, who would be less safe under Abdul El-Sayed,” Manasseri said.
While Democrats in Michigan will deny the negative impact Islamic immigration has had on the state, and while they vehemently deny that Sharia Law exists in Michigan communities, Dawud Walid, the Executive Director of CAIR Michigan, is on the record happily admitting that Sharia Law is alive and well in Michigan.
El-Sayed is not only a Sharia compliant Muslim, but he is a Democrat socialist running on a Marxist political platform as a self-proclaimed “justice Democrat”. Some of the campaign talking points El –Sayed is campaigning on include socialized healthcare, legalization of Marijuana, free college tuition, abortion, opposition to fossil fuels, pro-illegal immigration, and anti-Israel foreign policy. If elected Governor, El-Sayed has vowed to abolish ICE and make Michigan a Sanctuary state where illegal immigrants are protected from deportation and immune to the actions of law enforcement agencies.
El-Sayed, who is running on the Democrat ticket as a “Justice Democrat”, refused to answer questions about his personal practice of Sharia and how Islamic law contradicts key platform stances in the Democrat Party when he was confronted at a campaign event in Michigan last week.
El-Sayed practices Sharia law in his personal life, and has stated that his “head touches the floor 34 times a day” during his Islamic prayers. His true colors as a Muslim were revealed in May of 2018 while he was speaking to the Michigan Press Association at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing, Michigan. While speaking, El-Sayed yelled at Senator Patrick Colbeck and said, “You may not hate Muslims, but ALL Muslims hate you.”
Colbeck is a Republican member of the Michigan Senate, and he is currently a Republican candidate running to become the next Governor of Michigan.
On Sunday, self proclaimed socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be in Michigan campaigning for El-Sayed, who has openly declared his support for the Muslim Brotherhood and has been endorsed by CAIR, both of which are designated terrorist organizations.