WATCH: GOP Runs Powerful Ad Showing ‘Unhinged’ Democrat Mob in Action

The GOP is finally waking up to the reality that Republican voters have witnessed for the past three years: the Democrats are the party of hatred and violence.

In a fantastic new, the GOP highlighted some of the violence by the unhinged political left, seemingly in response the mainstream press’ objections over describing leftist riots as “mobs.”

“When they go low, we kick them,” says former Attorney General Eric Holder in the video’s opening, followed by a clip of a leftist roundhouse kicking a pro-life demonstrator.

The video then keys in on Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for leftists to “push back” on Trump supporters and Republican officials, intermixed with video of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) being accosted at a D.C. restaurant.

It also highlights Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) calling for uprisings all around the country, and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton discouraging civility in an interview.

The video ends with Sen. Cory Booker (D -N.J.) telling an audience to “get up in the face of some Congresspeople.”


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