WATCH: Home Invasion Burglars Run as Armed Phoenix Homeowner Opens Fire

Phoenix Police are looking for four home invasion suspects following a self-defense shooting at a North Phoenix home, with a resident opening fire on armed burglars who kicked open their door with nefarious intent.

Home security camera footage captured the break-in, which occurred last month. Four criminals were surprised to be greeted by the armed resident, fleeing in a panic when they were met with gunfire after kicking down the front door.

Detectives believe that several of the men were armed.

One suspect can be seen on camera seeking to disable the security footage, wearing a mask and gloves to avoid leaving evidence at the scene of the crime. The four attempted burglars fled in a hurry, with a getaway car ready for them to escape.

Since the security camera footage was released in mid-August, the Phoenix Police haven’t reported making any arrests in the case. Crime has modestly increased in Arizona since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, although not to the extent seen in California.

With large Democratic American cities increasingly reserving the use of law enforcement services to gated and upper-class neighborhoods, middle-class Americans are taking the initiative to defend themselves, their property, and their families.

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