WATCH: Hundreds Gather to Support New Jersey Gym’s Decision to Open Against Shutdown Edicts, Cops Refuse To Enforce Order, Gym Opens

Hundreds of patriots gathered near Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, N.J. this morning to support the gym’s decision to open for business today despite edicts issued by the governor banning them from doing so.

The storefront opened today at 8 a.m. and took voluntary safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The police even showed up to the gym, but were remarkably cordial. They simply noted that they were in violation of the executive orders issued by Governor Phil Murphy, told them to be safe, and departed without confrontation.

Big League Politics has reported on Murphy’s Draconian orders, which have been some of the most restrictive and anti-American implemented throughout the entire country:

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) stepped into the hot seat on Wednesday by appearing on Tucker Carlson’s eponymous Fox News program.

Carlson grilled Murphy for his heavy-handed executive orders that have shut down public life throughout his state. Murphy’s responses were very telling and showed what he thinks of the Constitution and his oath of office.

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked Murphy.

“I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this,” he responded.

“Well I can tell,” Carlson retorted…

Murphy has implied in recent days that this new Soviet-style of governance introduced due to the coronavirus will be the “new normal” moving forward.

“The notion that we’re going to go back to some sort of, let’s just turn the clock back to three months ago, I just don’t see it,” Murphy said during his daily briefing in Trenton on Wednesday. “People talk about a new normal and I think that’s a reality.”

“I don’t know that any time soon we’re going to go back into the — what I love, by the way — big handshake, kiss on the cheek, hug, high fives,” Murphy added. “I just don’t see … a normal gathering in the foreseeable future.”

The governor’s bleak assessment of the future is being echoed by his underlings.

“We use the term resiliency a lot,” said Col. Patrick Callahan, the State Police superintendent. “Some people think that that’s bouncing back, but in this instance, we’re not sure people can ever bounce back so we use the term bouncing forward because none of us … will ever really be the same.”

Murphy has issued 24 executive orders in recent weeks during the coronavirus pandemic. He has implemented a variety of authoritarian measures under the guise of keeping the public safe amidst the crisis.

Murphy is being shown that his power is based off of the consent of the governed. If people such as the owners of Atilis Gym refuse to comply with his edicts, his power is null and void. Civil disobedience in the face of Democrat-pushed coronavirus overreach is taking hold across the country and may be the only way to defeat the Orwellian “new normal” of lockdown tyranny.

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