WATCH: Tucker Breaks Down Sanders’ Failing Campaign In Brutal Monologue
Tucker Carlson broke down the failure of Bernie Sanders’ campaign during a monologue on Tuesday night, providing an obituary for the democratic socialist’s moribund campaign just minutes after the crucial primary state of Michigan was called for Joe Biden.
Carlson explained Sanders’ failings as a candidate that left him unable to effectively fight against Biden for the nomination. Sanders steadfastly refused to discuss the pressing questions surrounding Biden’s striking cognitive decline and questionable mental acuity.
Watch the scathing segment here:
“It’s pretty obvious Sanders doesn’t want to win. He’s a man who thinks it’s more noble to fail than to succeed.
You’re watching a professional loser.”
Tucker ended the segment by expressing sympathy for Sanders’ supporters, who funded and advanced his campaign with the understanding he was seriously challenging the ruthless Democratic establishment. They were proved wrong- Sanders ultimately refused to seriously fight against Biden, proving Tucker’s claim that he’s the “lamest revolutionary ever.”
“For Sanders, this week was the time to tell the truth about what was happening. Biden is not capable of governing this country- he’s not even capable of giving a press conference.”
“The establishment doesn’t care who the President is. They just want to make certain it’s someone they can control who won’t raise their taxes. Sanders could’ve said al that- and he should’ve- instead he defended Joe Biden.”
Reports of Sanders possibly dropping out and paving the way for Joe Biden’s nomination are already surfacing as of Tuesday night. Biden’s overwhelming victories in Mississippi and Missouri make it even harder for the Vermont democratic socialist to contend with him in delegate counts, even if he proves successful in winning a majority in upcoming primary states such as Arizona.