WATCH: Tucker Carlson Exposes “White Fragility” Author in Detailed Takedown
Fox News Tucker Carlson delivered a thorough critique of Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility,” exposing the author’s reactionary bigotry, dishonesty, and hypocrisy.
Tucker exposed DiAngelo’s pseudointellectual psychoanalysis, rebuking her claims that that racism pervades everyday elements of American life in an all-powerful fashion.
“Let’s see- how would you like it if someone called you a wife-beater? Or a child molestor? You probably wouldn’t like it very much- in fact you could lose your job and your friends for that. You might feel pretty threatened by that accusation. ‘A-ha!’ Says Robin DiAngelo. That means you’re guilty of racism! Feeling threatened is definitive proof that you’re a racist. You’re defensive- you’ve got white fragility. Hence the title of the book. By the way, if you’re not threatened when someone publicly denounces you as a racist, that is also proof that you’re a racist. Either way my friend, you’re a racist.”
Watch Tucker’s segment here:
“The real point of her book is to defeat and demoralize you.”
Carlson pointed out the author’s sly alignment with corporate American’s profit-friendly interests, alluding to passages where DiAngelo accuses critics of wealth inequality in America of a recurring theme-racism.