WATCH: Tucker DESTROYS Justin ‘True-Dope’ Over Covid Tyranny, Hiding From Truckers

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau drew heat from Tucker Carlson on his show Monday after previous reports of the world leader fleeing the city of Ottowa following news about a convoy of Canadian truckers blocking the streets in protest of Covid-19 related mandates.

“There’s no one more fearful and desperate in the world than Justin Trudeau of Canada,” Carlson said, before a graphic referred to the Canadian prime minister as ‘Justin True-DOPE.’

“Trudeau has used systematic COVID to short circuit democracy in Canada and to end organized Christianity there — Canadians can no longer travel freely within their own country,” he said after slamming Trudeau for his Covid restrictions.

The Fox News host shared various examples of insane and largely unprecedented fascistic behavior by the Canadian government towards its own citizens amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, including the arrest of a Canadian family in the town of Gatineau. The offense at the question? The dangerous family was celebrating New Year’s eve in their home.

“Every large institution in Canada pretends like all of this is perfectly normal — it’s always been this way! Canadian media, which are largely controlled by the government, support these policies and Trudeau uncritically,” stated Tucker, before pointing out that the Canadian government is even further criminalizing the ability to express oneself freely. “In Nova Scotia protests against Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandates are banned by law.”

Canada may have some hope in its fight against Trudeau’s draconian Covid-19 restrictions with reporting by the Post Millenial indicating that a majority of Canadian truckers and citizens want to see the mandates ended.

Tucker also took time on his show to mock liars of the media for making unsubstantiated claims about the Canadian truckers’ convoy, including a report out of CBC which claimed that “Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things,” or even orchestrating the convoy itself.

Also brought to light was Prime Minister Trudeau’s love for playing dress-up; the Canadian leader has been known to dress up as a cowboy, an American Indian, and even in blackface on more than one occasion.

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