WEAK: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Lets Democrats Walk Back into Texas, Refuses to Follow Through on Threat to Jail Them

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has let at least two Democrat lawmakers strut back into Texas after abdicating the vote without any consequences after publicly boasting that he would arrest them if they returned and did not perform their duties.

“As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas capitol until they get their job done,” Abbott said last week after Democrats fled the state.

However, it appears that Abbott was yet again just paying lip service for the media headlines. At least two Democrats who fled the state have reportedly returned, and there have been no consequences for their vile actions.

This follows a trend of Abbott talking tough on issues but refusing to follow through with substantive action. His lack of leadership has caused him to lose confidence from the conservative grassroots, prompting three primary challengers to emerge against Abbott for next year’s gubernatorial election.

Big League Politics has reported about the crowded field of candidates working to challenge Gov. Abbott, which is led by Lt. Col. Allen West:

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Allen West has announced that he will run for governor of Texas and primary challenge Greg Abbott, who is reviled by the state’s conservative base for refusing to secure the border.

“I’ve not been in elected political office for about a decade, but I can no longer sit on the sidelines and see what has happened in these United States of America and … the place that I call home,” said West, who served as Texas GOP chairman before stepping down to run for governor, in a video released on Independence Day.

West would become the first black Republican ever elected to be governor in any state in the nation if his challenge against Abbott is successful. P. B. S. Pinchback had previously served as Governor of Louisiana from 1872 to 1873 but he was appointed to the role and never elected through a vote of the people. West’s election would be a truly historic victory for Texas and the Republican Party in general.

West is not the only conservative who is stepping up to challenge Abbott. Former Texas state senator Don Huffines is also running against Abbott…

In addition to West and Huffines, right-wing entertainer Chad Prather is also primary challenging Abbott for governor. He is welcoming West to the fold, believing that a variety of voices are necessary to take down Abbott and the powerful Austin RINO machine that is backing him.

Abbott’s days may be numbered as Texas Governor if conservative voters in the state are able to see through his carefully-constructed leadership façade.

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