Welsh Parliament Passes Vaccine Mandate By One Vote, Conservative MP Could Not Vote Due To Technical Issues
Many in the West have been becoming increasingly wary of how democracy is conducted in their countries. From universal mail-in voting becoming a permanent feature in California in order to further guarantee Democrat hegemony to allowing uncontrolled immigration from the Third World to further guarantee Democrat hegemony, it appears that many in Middle America are not even sure if their votes matter anymore. But not to be undone by a former settler colony, Britain, specifically Wales, has made itself a shining example of what democracy can look like when vindictive cat ladies are the ones deciding who gets to vote and who does not.
According to Summit News, the Welsh parliament narrowly passed legislation to require vaccine passports for those who wish to partake in daily life by a single vote. What makes the affair more farcical than an SJW comedy sketch is the fact that a Conservative Party MP, who was slated to vote against the legislative shenanigan, was not allowed to cast his vote because he was unable to log on to the Zoom call.
The Conservative MP in question, Garreth Davies, was apparently experiencing technical issues when he was attempting to log into the Zoom call. When informed that Davies was desperately trying to hop on to cast his vote, which would have resulted in a tie of 28-28 and narrowly averted medical tyranny in Wales, the administrator of the vote callously dismissed his predicament and carried on with the vote without him. Aside from ascertaining the reason(s) behind Davies not simply showing up for the vote in person, which many others did, many consider the not-so-democratic affair that took place in the Welsh parliament worthy of making the likes of Mobuto and Stalin blush.
As a result of the deluge of chicanery, the people of Wales will need to present vaccine passports when they go out to bars, restaurants, and all the other amenities of modern urban life starting Monday the 11th of October. Unsurprisingly, this chain of events has garnered considerable outrage from the Welsh public.
Never resting on their tyrannical laurels, the Welsh government justified such a move by claiming that England and Scotland are slatted to enact similar measures, which in their minds justifies the means to their Orwellian ends, conveniently ignoring the fact that a cross-party committee in England consider such a move discriminatory and therefore illegal, as well as a recent attempt by the Scottish government to do just that failed on the first day due to a wave of non-compliance by the liberal Scottish public.
Many consider vaccine passports and increased policing of internet speech by both governments and private corporations to be the start of a social credit system in the West that has the potential to rival the one being implemented in Communist China, which would appear to give the West and the Far East one more thing to have in common.
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