White Male Privilege: 85 Percent of US Soldiers Who Died in Afghanistan Were White, 98 Percent Were Men

A nearly seven-year-old report shows that the deaths of US soldiers in Afghanistan from 2000 through 2014 were overwhelmingly white males.
According to data compiled by the Congressional Research Service, 85 percent of American deaths during the first phase of the War in Afghanistan—Operation Enduring Freedom, which technically lasted from October 2001 to December 2014—were white. That’s 1,995 whites out of 2,346 total deaths.
Blacks/African Americans accounted for 191 deaths, or 8.1 percent of total deaths, which was second most among all racial groups. American Indians, Pacific Islanders, and those of multiple races combined saw 130 deaths, or 5.5 percent of the total.
The data shows that only four percent of the US military deaths were classified as Hispanic, but the report says that “servicemembers may be listed twice, once under a race (such as ‘White’) and once under an ethnicity (such as ‘Hispanic or Spanish’).” Therefore, some Hispanics who identified as white could almost certainly be counted among the 85 percent.
But the disproportion is staggering, as whites only accounted for 63.7 percent of the US population in 2010. “As Ibram X. Kendi taught us, when there exist racial gaps, there is proof of racism,” quipped Steve Sailer.
Needless to say, men also died at an enormously high rate compared to women. 97.9 percent of US military deaths during Operation Enduring Freedom—or 2,295 of 2,346 deaths—were men, while only 2.1 percent (51 deaths) were women.
Ah, sweet sweet white male privilege…