WIN: Alabama Senate Passes Strongest Pro-Life Bill in the Country

On Tuesday, Reuters reported that the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would outlaw almost all types of abortion.

This includes abortion in the case of rape and incest.

This will would be the strictest pro-life bill in America. The passage of this bill comes following the signing of Georgia’s controversial heartbeat bill.

So far in 2019, legislation to restrict abortion has been introduced in 16 states. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, four of those states (Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio) saw governors sign bills banning abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

In pro-abortion circles, the aforementioned legislation is considered a virtual ban because fetal heartbeats can be detected as early as six weeks, before a woman can discover that she is pregnant.

Alabama’s pro-life bill takes it to another level by banning all abortions with the exception of cases where there was a serious health risk to the mother. Abortion practitioners would be subject to a Class A felony, which is punishable by 10-99 years of prison time.  However, women who undergo an abortion procedure would not be held criminally liable. A last-minute amendment that would create exceptions for rape and incest victims was stalled on the Senate floor.

Like in gun rights battles, pro-life advocates have taken a state-by-state approach to passing pro-life legislation. However, with the conservative makeup of the Supreme Court, pro-life activists know that lower courts will challenge these laws and then take them to highest court of the land.

Their hope is to get Roe v. Wade overturned, which may be a reality under the Trump administration thanks to the current court’s ideology.

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