WIN: Raheem Kassam’s Facebook Restored After Trump Jr. Tweet, BLP Report

Former editor-in-chief of Breitbart London Raheem Kassam’s Facebook account has been restored following pressure from the conservative community.
“Following this intervention from [Donald Trump Jr.] and others, Facebook has now reinstated my account. Thank you to Don Jr. and all the others who got so involved and ahead on this story. I’ve no doubt you frightened Facebook into acting,” Kassam said on Twitter.
Trump Jr. mocked the Silicon Valley titans like Facebook in the wake of Kassam’s ban. The companies often seem to “accidentally” ban conservatives, but never liberals who threaten violence or otherwise break their terms of service. That was Facebook’s excuse for banning Kassam.
Shortly after Kassam announced his ban, Big League Politics reported:
The former editor-in-chief of Brietbart London was banned from Facebook Tuesday, making him the second high-profile conservative casualty of tech censorship in as many days.
“What a thing to wake up to. My personal Facebook profile has been deleted, with no warning or explanation. I can no longer administer my fan page, with over 150,000 likes,” Raheem Kassam announced on Twitter.
To some, Kassam is a controversial right-wing figure. He is not an extremist as the far left, especially in the ever-more-totalitarian Mother England, would have ordinary people believe.
“While suppression of conservative thought is nothing new, it seems Facebook are moving into more mainstream territory now, considering I am a multiple bestselling author, and a main stage speaker at CPAC,” Kassam told Big League Politics.
The Conservative Political Action Conference will take place in Washington, D.C., this weekend.
“This means no one is now off limits from the heavy hand of social media giant censorship,” Kassam continued.
Kassam’s case shows what can happen when high-profile conservative go to bat for those affected by tech censorship. The problem, of course, is that not everyone can have Trump Jr. in their corner.
Ordinary Americans are generally powerless against the likes of big tech, an issue that must be addressed by those with power before conservatism is eradicated from the public square.
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