WINNING: DeVos Lands A Blow Against Obama In College Battle

President Donald Trump’s education secretary Betsy DeVos scored an important win in her battle to make left-wing public universities less powerful. The left-wing campuses in our country are simply Democrat indoctrination centers, inexplicably propped up by taxpayer dollars.

DeVos eliminated the Obama administration’s rule that unfairly allowed the federal government to pull back money from for-profit colleges:

Fox 2 News reported: The rule, known as Gainful Employment, required for-profit colleges and career certificate programs to post debt-to-earnings ratios, proving that their students could find good-paying jobs upon graduating. If the average ratio did not meet government standards, the school’s federal funding would be revoked.

The Department of Education outlined a number of reasons the regulation was flawed in a notice posted Friday. It said the rule failed to account for factors other than program quality that could affect a graduate’s earnings.

Fox 2 News passage ends

DeVos clearly triggered the New York Times and other mainstream outlets, because the fact of the matter is that for-profit colleges represent a threat to the monopolistic power of public universities and other accredited left-wing institutions of higher “learning” that contribute little to nothing to our society.

Obama supporters should not pretend that he was trying to look out for students with his rule regulating for-profit colleges. He simply wanted to shut down competition to the socialist campuses.

As Generation Z comes of age, look for more young people to seek out trade schools instead of plunging themselves into debt at ridiculous Marxist training centers.

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