With Kushner’s Influence, Trump Calls National E-Verify Program Too ‘Tough’

When President Donald Trump introduced his new merit-based immigration policy last week, an expansion of E-Verify was notably missing from the proposal.

The E-Verify program is endorsed by the border hawks at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) who have urged President Trump to institute a national program that would make it substantially more difficult for businesses to hire illegal immigrants as workers.

“E-verify is a simple system that is the easiest way for employers to determine if their employees can work legally the United States, thereby turning off the magnet of jobs that draws aliens to enter illegally or overstay their visas,” wrote analyst Andrew R. Arthur at CIS.

“Why isn’t it mandatory? Political will. Politicians who want cheap labor don’t want it, and politicians who are hoping that those here illegally will be their future voters don’t want it,” he added.

Globalist open border Republicans, who have the ear of liberal-leaning White House senior advisor Jared Kushner, are making sure that strengthening E-Verify stays off of the agenda for Trump’s immigration reform.

Trump is apparently moving in the direction of the status quo, if his recent remarks during a Fox News interview are any indicator.

The President lamented that Big Agriculture might have a hard time finding low-income labor to boost their profit margins if E-Verify were to be implemented nationally.

“The one problem is E-Verify is so tough that in some cases, like farmers, they’re not — they’re not equipped for E-Verify,” Trump said during an interview with Steve Hilton that was broadcast Sunday night.

Trump implied that it is difficult to find qualified workers in the U.S. job market, something he would have never come close to saying while running for President in 2016.

“A lot of the Republicans say you go through an E-Verify. I used it when I built the hotel down the road on Pennsylvania Avenue. I use a very strong E-Verify system. And we would go through 28 people — 29, 30 people before we found one that qualified,” Trump said.

This continues a shift in rhetoric for Trump, who claimed earlier this year that we need more legal immigrant workers than ever before to compete with native-born U.S. workers in the domestic job market.

“We want to have a very strong border, but we want to have a lot of people coming in,” Trump said to reporters outside of the White House in March. “A lot of people don’t understand that. They think we’re shutting it out. We’re not shutting it out. We want people to come in, but they have to come in through a process.”

“We’re going to let a lot of people come in because we need workers,” Trump added. “We have to have workers. These are low numbers, and in one way I love it, but in another way I don’t want to make it hard for you to get those companies rolling … with really great people.”

The shift has come in part because Kushner has deliberately let many foxes into the hen house so-to-speak during immigration negotiations. He has allowed globalist lobbying organizations like Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, George W. Bush Center, and corporate trade groups to influence immigration policy.

Kushner has even told pro-illegal immigration organizations like the League of United Latin American Citizens, Libre Initiative and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce that the President is willing to put illegal amnesty for 1.8 million so-called Dreamers on the table. Those talks have not come to fruition thus far, but the President has certainly changed his tune.

“We need an immigration policy that helps all Americans thrive, flourish, prosper. We need an immigration policy that’s going to be great for our corporations and our great companies,” Trump said while addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference. “We need an immigration policy where people coming into our country can love our country and love our fellow citizens.”

With Kushner’s big business cronies in charge of immigration policy, it is not likely that E-Verify will ever implemented nationally to protect U.S. workers and hold employers accountable.

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