Woke Hawaiian Teacher Arrested For Allegedly Raping Child

Are public educators coming for our children? A far-left teacher in Hawaii admitted to recording himself having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old student before distributing footage of the incideent, reported the Post Millenial. The teacher additionally was said to have shared hundreds of other images and videos depicting child pornography.

The alleged predator is named Alden Bunag. Photos circulating around social media showed a Twitter profile allegedly belonging to the high school teacher. The profile in question shows a description reading “socialist high school teacher fighting for a better society for my students to graduate into.” A past post made by the profile shows @AldenBunag scolding a conservative user about accusations of “grooming,” writing, “You’re f*cking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I’ve learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it’s DEFINITELY because they’re projecting.”

Image taken from the Post Millenial.

Alden Bunag first appeared in court on Thursday in Honolulu, Hawaii. He remains in custody.

KHON reported that Bunag confessed to sharing child pornography with a teacher in Philadelphia. Over 3,300 messages were exchanged between the alleged pedophile and the other teacher, with hundreds of correspondences containing images and videos of child pornography.

Bunag additionally said he had sex with a 13-year old student “at the school during lunch breaks.”

“It’s telling how the suspect confessed to the crimes. That goes to show how a lot of times when people are involved in these kinds of crime, they do think they can get away with it,” former state attorney general Doug Chin told KHON.

Chin noted that Bunag was quick to admit to his heinous alleged actions.

“Oftentimes, they have no other contact with a law enforcement system and that shock actually results in a pretty quick confession, which appears to be what happened here,” said Chin.

Famous social media account Libs of Tik Tok showed further examples of the Hawaiin teacher arguing with conservatives about how far teacher-student relationships should go.

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