Woman Attacked By Mob And Egged At Trump Rally Raises Money For Lawsuit

The woman who was backed against a wall by a violent mob and had egg thrown in her face while attempting to attend a rally for President Donald J. Trump is now raising money for her legal bills as she sues the city of San Jose.
Rachel Casey went viral on social media after attending the political rally on June 2, 2016, where she was backed against a wall by an angry mob of anti-Trump protesters and then had an egg thrown in her face. She and other plaintiffs who were attacked or had their property destroyed that day are now suing the “Mayor and Police Chief of San Jose, the City of San Jose, and several individual rioters” for their actions and inaction during what the lawsuit describes as a riot.
From the Justice For San Jose GoFundMe:
We (Rachel Casey and Juan Hernandez) started this GoFundMe campaign to help pay the legal costs for the victims of assault and free speech violations at a Trump rally that took place in San Jose, Calif. on June 2, 2016. Several thousand Trump supporters attended a rally that day, and were assaulted by an organized mob of thugs — a mob the local authorities directed them to walk through in order to leave the event and reach their transportation. Authorities stood by and watched while citizens were assaulted before their eyes. We were part of the group of supporters violently attacked at the event.
Victims range from a 14-year-old assaulted by two individuals and denied assistance by the San Jose Fire Department, to a 71-year-old woman who said her glasses were ripped off and destroyed by three rioters in view of police who told her they were not allowed to make arrests.
Casey and her attorney’s most recent update to the campaign reveals that the lawsuit has been given the green light, allowing the woman and the other plaintiffs to proceed to a court room.
The GoFundMe has currently raised over $30,000 to fund the lawsuit, and has a goal of raising $100,000.