Woman Featured in Mark Kelly Ad Called White Men “Single Greatest Domestic Terrorist Group”

A woman featured in an ad run by a PAC supporting Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly has previously slurred white men, calling them the “single greatest domestic terrorist group.”

Dr. Cadey Harrel is featured in an advertisement of Advancing Arizona, a Kelly front group. The Tucson doctor has trafficked in extremist rhetoric targeting white men on her personal Twitter on numerous instances, most significantly referring to white men as terrorists. The ad features Harrel talking retail politics on moderate healthcare policy, without espousing her more hateful and prejudiced views.

Harrel has also attacked Arizona Governor Doug Ducey for being a white man, somehow claiming that the Republican Governor was responsible for the coronavirus pandemic and was avoiding punishment on the basis of his gender and sex. Democratic governors have consistently overseen the worst outbreaks of the disease in the country.

The physician, a progressive activist in the state, has locked and purged her social media after receiving criticism for her racist attacks on white men.

Kelly is yet to condemn the racist extremist, following in a pattern of looking the other way when supported with anti-white racists and left-wing extremists. A known Mark Kelly campaign operative is known to have participated in a Virginia hate hoax seeking to slander Glenn Youngkin with fake white nationalists.

Democrat oligarchs are panicking over Kelly’s vulnerability in the 2022 election, with the extremist party bleeding the suburban white voters that proved integral to its success in the 2020 election. Arizona technology entrepreneur Blake Masters has announced a challenge to Kelly, in addition to Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

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