World’s Smallest Baby, Born at 23 Weeks, Shows That Late-Term Abortion is Murder

As the Democrat Party and their backers in the abortion industry attempt to remove limits on abortion, a baby born at 23 weeks in San Diego, CA went home with the gift of life after six months in the hospital.

Saybie was delivered at the San Diego’s Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns at only 23 weeks after her mother experienced significant complications. While the abortion industry and its liberal supporters like to act as if a fetus at this stage is not a baby, this miraculous survival story has proven them wrong.

The baby reportedly weighed only 8.6 ounces when she was born. The hospital compared her size to that of a large apple upon birth. The medical staff snapped into action to ensure she survived after the emergency pregnancy.

“No one expects their baby to be born with complications,” said Trisha Khaleghi, who works as the senior vice president and chief executive officer for Sharp Mary Birch. “But when the unexpected occurs, Sharp Mary Birch is equipped with the latest technologies, equipment, research and specially trained experts to care for even the world’s smallest baby.”

The following video was released by the hospital showing the miracle that happened in their facility:

Saybie was sent home at a healthy five pounds in mid-May. If laws such as the ones that were passed earlier in the year by the state of New York were in effect, Saybie could have been murdered in the womb and deprived of her right to life.

The liberal New York Times summarized the New York law as follows: “The new state law says a health provider may perform an abortion in the state before 24 weeks–and later if the fetus is not considered viable or if the procedure is considered necessary to protect the woman’s life or health. Those are all similar to stipulations made by the Supreme Court.”

“With the signing of this bill, we are sending a clear message that whatever happens in Washington, women in New York will always have the fundamental right to control their own body,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in his signing statement.

As the liberals get more bold in promoting their culture of death, conservative states are responding with stricter protections to protect life. Missouri, Alabama and Georgia have passed strong restrictions in recent weeks, challenging liberals who are growing more bold in their advocacy for abortion.

Saybie may be the miracle birth that opens eyes to the truth that all life deserves protection, whether it is residing in or outside of the womb.

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