WTF: The Daily Caller Shills for Corrupt Globalist-Backed Refugee Resettlement Program
The Daily Caller, a supposedly conservative media outlet, published propaganda on behalf of the refugee resettlement program last week.
The article, released under the guise of criticizing Democratic presidential contender Beto O’Rourke, bashed the candidate for wanting to defund religious organizations that take federal money to resettle refugees from the third world into the US.
They accurately note that faith-based groups such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) are subsidized by the US taxpayer to funnel third-world migrants into unsuspecting communities, but paint these organizations as laudable for their efforts and give them a platform to promote themselves.
“Our organization is proud to receive support from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS),” LIRS president and CEO, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Beyond the financial support they contribute, these congregations are living their faith by doing the Lord’s work of welcoming the stranger – through sponsoring newly arrived families, organizing community events to build trust and friendship, ministering to immigrants in detention centers and much more,” Vignarajah added.
They note that the USCCB received $48,482,684 in 2018 and $72,321,885 in 2017 courtesy of the US taxpayer to flood the country, but paint their reception of federal welfare in a positive light.
Meanwhile, these organizations are helping to continue a refugee resettlement program that is run by the globalist United Nations and rife with fraud and based on bribes:
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been exposed for accepting bribes from certain migrants to facilitate their relocation into Western nations. Hamdi Abdullahi explained to NBC News how her children were robbed from her due to UN corruption.
“I’m like the walking dead,” she said.
Her four children were essentially kidnapped from her after her ex-husband paid off UNHCR resettlement officer David Momanyi. He took the bribe money to made sure she was estranged from her children. Her ex-husband and children are now living in Minnesota, as she sits in a UN refugee camp with 200,000 Somalis without her family…
The UNHCR’s staff is denying the scandal, hoping to sweep it under the rug so they can continue the globalist plan to flood the West with the refuse of the third-world…
However, a seven-month investigation spanning five separate countries show that Abdullahi’s case is far from an isolated incident. Over 50 refugees registered with the UNHCR from Uganda, Yemen, Kenya, Libya, and Ethiopia have described extreme corruption in the program, following claims made by refugees in Sudan last year.
Some of their horror stories include:
- UNHCR staffers and contractors exposed for extorting refugees, making them pay bribes in order to receive essentials like medical supplies and food rations at the Nakivale settlement of Uganda.
- Nineteen refugees of the Dadaab refugee camp of Kenya claimed that it cost as much as $50,000 to get your family resettled, and it was money not safety that was the determining factor in resettling migrants to the West.
- Many instances were reported where refugees who could not afford to pay off UN workers had their case files stolen and sold off to others with the money to offer bribes, another potential security risk.
Whistle-blowers were forced to talk to NBC News in anonymity for fear of reprisal from the UN globalists desperately trying to keep this corruption under wraps.
“You’re punished if you care too much about the rights of refugees,” a former staff member of the Dadaab camp said. “It’s not a place for that.”
The Daily Caller is publishing propaganda on behalf of anti-Trump organizations that are receiving taxpayer funds to help the corrupt refugee resettlement program plant potential sleeper cells throughout the US. Considering their public partnership with Facebook, it should not be very surprising that they would flip on the issue of immigration.