YAWN: Former Texas Republican Congressman Will Hurd Believes Trump Should Not Hold Much of a Role in the GOP

On February 21, 2021, declared that the GOP should have little to do with former president Donald Trump.
As he interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, Hurd contended that the Republican Party lost both houses of Congress and the White House during the last four years all because of Trump.
“I think very little, if not none at all,” Hurd said when he was pressed about the kind of role Trump should play in the GOP now that he’s out of office. “This is a president that lost the House, the Senate, the White House in four years. I think the last person to do that was Herbert Hoover, and that was during the Great Depression.”
Hurd said that “We [GOP] should be talking to disaffected Democrats” who do not support ideas such as defunding the police. Hurd noted how Democrats failed to flip Republican seats during the 2020 elections, demonstrating that Democrats’ power is not as hegemonic.
Hurd is confident that Republicans will win back the House in 2022 based on the overarching trend of the party in the White House generally underperforming in midterm elections. However, he warned that Democrats could overperform in 2022 if GOP candidates continue “talking about the lies of an election that went wrong or succumbing to conspiracy theories.”
Hurd left Congress this past January after he announced his retirement from Texas’s 23rd Congressional District in 2019. Tony Gonzalez is now succeeding him.
Given Hurd’s background as a CIA spook, he was always a representative of establishment interests who wanted to keep business going as usual in Washington, D.C. His presence will not be missed in Congress.