Young Republicans in Disarray as Group President’s ‘America Last’ Connections and Scheming are Revealed
The Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) is in disarray after the organization’s President, Rick Loughery, has been revealed for his scheming and connections with “America Last” neocons, such as Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX).
Crenshaw has grown reviled for his stance in favor of a failed Bush-era foreign policy, which culminated in his shameful vote for $40 billion for Ukraine to potentially start World War 3. Loughery unilaterally booked Crenshaw to the YRNF’s upcoming convention.
This resulted in patriotic political consultant Alex Bruesewitz of X Strategies LLC targeting Crenshaw and blasting the Young Republicans for propping up Crenshaw despite representing all that is wrong with Republican politics.
Bruesewitz’s campaign against Crenshaw was the snowball that quickly turned into an avalanche that now threatens the fiefdom created by Loughery and his RINO leadership team who use the Young Republicans to amass political connections and gatekeep within a corrupt political establishment:
Here’s a video of @Rick_Loughery the “young republicans” president who has a close personal relationship with RINO @DanCrenshawTX walking across the Polish/Ukrainian border for a photo-op. No wonder he invited deep state Dan to headline the conference 😂🤣
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) May 27, 2022
Since I started posting about Young RINO Chair @Rick_Loughery & his close personal relationship w/ @DanCrenshawTX, a handful of @yrnf chapter leaders asked me to ask Rick about “Young Republicans Run”
They want to know: where the funds come from? & Is it co-mingled with YRNF? 😳
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) May 27, 2022
WOW dozens of Young Republicans are in my DM’s messaging me that they wish they could recall @Rick_Loughery as @yrnf Chairman.
They’re disgusted that he invited @DanCrenshawTX to headline the conference
But they’re mainly concerned about where YRNF finances are going
Not good!
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) May 27, 2022
The dorky @yrnf treasurer took time out of his night to email me a snarky response.
Why doesn’t @Spencer_Head just answer the questions that the Chairs have about where the money sent to @yrsrun is going?
If you can email me late at night, you can answer a simple question!
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) May 28, 2022
I never said I was boycotting your event. I wouldn’t attend in the first place. Just raising awareness about where the “Young Republican Leadership” stand on the political spectrum. It’s clear you “Young Republican leaders” are actually “Young RINO Leaders.” @yrnf deserves better
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) May 28, 2022
It became clear that Bruesewitz was not bluffing as Young Republican leaders began to go public with their concerns about Loughery’s apparent influence-peddling scheme, abusing his leadership position with the YRNF in order to build a shady “YRs Run” front deceptively named to sound as if it is an official adjunct of the Young Republicans.
Maria Giannopoulos of the Washington D.C. Young Republicans (DCYRs) resigned in her position on the planning commission through her role as national committeewoman for the YRNF. Big League Politics obtained her resignation email sent to YRNF leaders nationwide.
“For months, I have repeatedly requested key information regarding the conference in order to fulfill the duties associated with my role. Throughout the planning process, we have been met with silence, excuses, and unmet promises from YRNF leadership,” Giannopoulos wrote in her resignation letter.
Giannopoulos also expressed concerns with the deceptive shadow group, YRs Run, hosting the conference rather than the Young Republicans. She felt that the unethical shell game Loughery has initiated with the Young Republicans is unacceptable.
“The recent announcement, too, that YRs Run, not the YRNF, will be hosting the conference raises concerns. YRs Run is an independent, unaffiliated non-profit organization. Because it is independent and unaffiliated, the YRNF has no oversight role with either it or the conference,” she said.
“Without the proper transparency and accountability, I cannot commit the DCYRs as an organization to assisting with the conference and can no longer remain as a mere placeholder on the planning committee,” Giannopoulos continued.
“Until YRNF Leadership places the well-being of our members above their own self-serving political interests, this conference and organization cannot truly succeed,” she added.
The DCYRs released a public statement indicating that they stand completely with Giannopoulos:
A Statement from the DC Young Republicans regarding this year's Young Republican Leadership Conference:
— DC Young Republicans (@DCYRs) May 27, 2022
Additionally, assistant treasurer Jack Blakely, member of the YRNF board of directors, posted a public Facebook post about YRs Run echoing Giannopoulos’ concerns.
“There have recently been questions on the separation between YRs Run, Inc. a 501c(4) based in PA, and YRNF, a 527 based in DC,” he wrote. “I want to make clear the YRNF is still a 527 based in DC and has not changed whatsoever. At the same time, our national Chairman had his friend’s dad file a nonprofit out of PA called YRs Run, Inc. This nonprofit is not in any way connected to or under the oversight of YRNF. We have no control over or insight into what the Pennsylvania nonprofit that goes by YRs Run, Inc. does as the YRNF.”
“According to the information coming down from the top to this point, this Pennsylvania nonprofit was to become the financial hub of YRNF and is the organization planning and paying for our events. On this note, I dare anyone to disagree—-I have emails,” Blakely continued, adding that he made the public post as “part of [his] fiduciary responsibility” with the YRNF.
We will cover this developing scandal as the details continue to unfold.