Alex Jones Was A Target? Reddit User Claims He’s Austin Bomber

In a weird turn of events, someone claiming to be the Austin bomber posted a thread on Reddit, asking users to “ask him anything.” In one of replies he alluded that a bomb that detonated in a FedEx shipping center was meant to be delivered to talk show host Alex Jones.
The user who went by the handle “austinbomber” stated that the package “may have been on its way to a very prolific radio talk show host who happens to live in Austin.” When another Reddit user responded asking “Alex Jones?”, the initial poster responded “Possibly. C:”.
While it is unclear if the poster is indeed the real Austin bomber, local police, who are investigating the post, have not denied the possibility. The poster’s account has been suspended on Reddit, and all of his posts were deleted, but Big League Politics has an archive of the thread, which can be viewed by clicking here.