Anthony Fauci Urges Americans to Boycott Social Gatherings With Unvaccinated Neighbors and Family

Dr. Anthony Fauci came under fire from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle for funding a group of Tunisian scientists who were torturing dogs. Stefani Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images

Dr. Anthony Fauci urged vaccinated Americans to eschew meeting with family and friends with unclear vaccination status, speaking on ABC’s This Week Sunday show.

Fauci made it clear that Americans who are “prudent” are required to wear masks all the time, especially while on a plane- even as two leading airline CEOs have frankly admitted that masks do little to nothing to deter the spread of the disease in aircraft cabins.

Do not do things like go to gatherings where there are people who you do not know their vaccination status,” the federal medical czar ordered the public. Fauci went on to suggest that Americans institute coronavirus testing surveillance of family guests at holiday gatherings throughout the season.

Cases of coronavirus have spiked in states such as New York, with many pointing to the prevalence of the omicron variant.

The preponderance of evidence suggests that omicron is considerably less lethal than previous variants of the coronavirus, while it may be even more transmissible. This could lead to viral development of the coronavirus to a disease resembling the common cold, which regularly infects billions around the world every year with only a handful of fatalities.

The Biden medical czar has faced intense criticism for lying about his involvement in gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, directing the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to change the definition of the mad science to protect himself politically.

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