Anti-Trump Reverend At TRUMP’S CHURCH Publicly Attacks Trump Supporter At Easter Service

President Donald Trump’s Easter Sunday church attendance with his wife and daughter Tiffany made world-wide news. But the one part of that church service the media won’t cover is an interaction between a Reverend at the church Trump attended and one of Trump’s supporters.
Before the service began, Jennifer Eady was sitting near the President wearing an American flag pin, and a “Trump Rhine stone.” When the President noticed her, he gave her a thumbs up and said “I love it.”
Just minuted after that statement, a video taken by Eady shows Reverend James Harlan storming off the alter and berating Eady, claiming that she can’t film in the church.
Eady claims that the attack was based on her support for President Donald Trump, and as it turns out, Reverend James Harlan’s boss Bishop Peter Eaton is a well known anti-Trumper.
A Facebook post uncovered by Eady shows Eaton and his wife attending the anti-Trump “March for Our Lives” in Washington, D.C.
Bishop Eaton’s wife Kate also made her anti-Trump views widely know, posting an anti-Trump Facebook rant. This rant was allegedly shared by James Harlan, the Reverend featured in the above video.