Bernie Sanders Wins Colorado Primary After Joe Biden Sweeps the South

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has won the Colorado primary, stemming the tide after sustaining many crushing losses in the Bible belt to begin Super Tuesday.
The Associated Press called the race for Sanders as of 7:21 p.m MST, with 486,445 votes being counted from Colorado Democrats. Sanders currently has 36 percent of the vote, with former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg getting 24 percent, former Vice President Joe Biden receiving 20 percent, Sen. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren (D-MA) at 17 percent, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) at 1 percent.
Sanders supporters are celebrating the big victory, which they hope is the first major one of many before Super Tuesday comes to an end.
Jubilation at Bernie’s Colorado HQ as news breaks that he’s the projected winner here.
— Alex Burness (@alex_burness) March 4, 2020
Although Sanders received a resounding victory in Colorado, he will not be receiving 100 percent of the state’s delegates. Candidates must break the 15 percent threshold statewide or within one of the state’s seven Congressional districts in order to receive some of the state’s 67 pledged delegates. As many as four different candidates could reach that threshold and lay claim to some of the state’s apportioned delegates.
There are 23 delegates that will be designated on a proportional statewide basis while 44 are assigned based on the results within the state’s seven Congressional districts. In addition, the state has another dozen superdelegates who may very well play a role in deciding the nominee at the DNC convention in Milwaukee, Wis. later this year, particularly if the convention is brokered after delegates cannot decide who the candidate is on the first ballot.
Biden gained the early momentum over Sanders and other contenders on Super Tuesday after he won in Virginia, North Carolina, and other delegate-rich southern states:
Joe Biden has been projected as the winner of the Virginia Democratic Primary, winning the state in overwhelming fashion and showing his appeal in southern states and to Black voters.
The first round of Super Tuesday returns showed Biden carrying the state in a landslide.
Both Bloomberg and Sanders had hoped to be competitive in the traditionally moderate state, with the former having spent a considerable amount of money hoping to block out Biden. But it appears Biden’s appeal to southern Democrats proved more effective than Bloomberg’s money.
Early returns show the former Vice President with more than 55% of the vote, perhaps repeating his dominant South Carolina victory in the more affluent southern state…
North Carolina has also been called for Biden as polls closed in the state. A victory in that state would represent an even more favorable development for Biden, who was expected to compete with Sanders closely in the Tarheel State.
Sanders may have a chance to bridge the gap with Biden as the states of Texas and California, two states with large Hispanic populations, have yet to be decided.