Biden DOJ Refusing to Withdraw Memo Slurring Parents Opposed to CRT As Domestic Terrorists

The Department of Justice is refusing to formally recant a memorandum which slurred parents who oppose the teaching of anti-white Critical Race Theory indoctrination as domestic terrorists, in spite of the left-wing school board association which urged the probe backing down from its advocacy for criminalizing dissent.

Speaking in the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Senator Chuck Grassley revealed that his office had asked the Department of Justice to recant the infamous memo, which was issued at the behest of the far-left National School Boards Association. Attorney General Merrick Garland later ordered the FBI’s counter-terrorism division to investigate CRT critics, despite no hard evidence of violent plots or criminal activity on the part of the activists who oppose the teaching of racialist philosophy in public schools.

In December we asked why the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division was getting involved in parents expressing their concerns at school board meetings. Now, just to be crystal clear, there’s no excuse for real threats or acts of violence at school board meetings, but if there are such threats, these should be handled at the local level and the Attorney General should withdraw his memo that started this whole thing.

Grassley revealed that the DOJ responded in a letter that stood by the political investigation, alluding to unsourced allegations of terrorist plots on the part of CRT critics without dropping hard evidence, examples of criminal convictions, or the legal basis for the involvement of Biden’s federal government as opposed to local authorities.

In that letter, DOJ had nothing to say about why the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division was involved in local school-board matters. DOJ just said, ‘We’re not going to withdraw the memo.’ So, the Feds may be keeping track of school board meetings—even if it creates a horrible chilling effect. And, of course the FBI looking over your shoulder would have a chilling effect. Next week the Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on domestic terrorism. I hope we’re going to be focusing on the serious threats facing our country—and I hope no one thinks the focus is on our nation’s parents.

There’s every reason to believe the FBI is continuing an active investigation into CRT critics who oppose the policies of extremist school boards.

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