BIG LEAGUE: Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar House Ethics Complaint

Judicial Watch has officially filed a House ethics complaint against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), citing the potential immigration, marriage, tax, and student loan fraud committed by the Somali-American Congresswoman.

As Omar continues to make a name for herself as an anti-American, anti-Semitic member of Congress who takes frequent swipes at President Donald Trump, her past behavior is coming under additional scrutiny, largely thanks to Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton claims there is “overwhelming” evidence that Omar may have violated the law as well as House rules. According to the Judicial Watch press release, many of the claims are related to the “allegations that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have married her biological brother.”

“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar,” said Fitton. “We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.”

The complaint reveals the gravity of the allegations against her.

From Judicial Watch:

Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud.

Such violations would also breach the Code of Ethics for Government Service, to which all federal officeholders are subject, “Any person in Government service should uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.”) Rep. Omar actions in this suspected immigration fraud, marriage fraud, perjurious statements on her Minnesota divorce filings, and falsifications on her tax returns, merit your immediate investigation.

In the words of investigative reporter David Steinberg: “The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.”

Omar, who rebuked President Trump’s suggestion that if she hates the United States and Israel she may be better served by returning to her homeland of Somalia, has also frequently referred to the poverty and violence stricken African nation as her homeland.

Last week, a 2015 video resurfaced showing Omar refer to Somalia as “our nation at home”.

Big League Politics reported:

Newly resurfaced video shows that, reportedly while speaking before the Revolution Somali Youth League in 2015, Omar told the audience that the 2016 elections represented an “ability” for Somali-Americans to influence the future of the United States, as well as Somalia.

“2016 is election cycle, and you guys have an ability to make an impact on where our nation is headed,” said Omar. “Not only here in the United States, but even our nation back home.”

More video surfaced this week, showing Omar begin to refer to Somalia as “my country” before quickly correcting herself:

In yet another example of Omar apparently putting her Somalian citizenship over her United States citizenship, a video has resurfaced of the freshman Congresswoman and card-carrying “The Squad” referring to Somalia as “my country.”

The video, posted by We Build The Wall’s Brian Kolfage, shows Omar saying “The first day this president introduced the Muslim ban, knowing that my co–the country I came from–“. The video is a short clip of a longer speech, in which Omar appears to have made the allusion that President Trump is somehow racist or Islamophobic due to the famous “Muslim ban”, which was actually a limited freeze on immigration for certain problematic countries identified by the Obama administration.

Big League Politics will continue to track the developments surrounding this ethics complaint and Omar’s colorful past.

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