Bill Kristol’s Democrat-Funded Nonprofit is Bankrolling Pro-Justin Amash Ad Campaign
Although Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) is rapidly losing support from constituents in his own district, he has gained new allies in the elite media class as a result of joining the Democrats to support President Donald Trump’s impeachment. Bill Kristol, the globalist neocon architect of the Iraq War, is now pumping money into Amash’s re-election efforts as a result.
A nation organization with ties to prominent Democrat funders, the Republicans for the Rule of Law, will be spending $50,000 on an ad buy urging Republicans to support Amash as he tries to railroad the President.
Certain ads will air during the “Fox & Friends” program on Fox News until Friday. The nonprofit will also put print ads in a Grand Rapids newspaper as well as producing digital ads.
“Our leaders all take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. It’s a solemn agreement between the American people and those they choose to serve in government,” Republicans for the Rule of Law said in a statement.
“Their party affiliation, personal ambition and desire for reelection all come second to that solemn oath. Rep. Amash is upholding his oath, putting the good of the country above smaller matters. Every politician should follow his example,” they added.
The television ads can be seen here:
Kristol, who ran the now-defunct Weekly Standard, has been praising Amash since he publicly declared his support for Trump’s impeachment despite the fact that Trump was cleared of any Russian collusion by the Mueller report.
I say this as someone at odds with Amash on lots of issues important to me (and I think to him): All honor to Justin Amash, who has done so much today to set an example of constitutional responsibility and mature, civic discourse.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) May 18, 2019
After being run from the GOP following failed sabotage efforts against Trump in 2016, Kristol has gone back to his leftist roots and started taking funds from at least one far-left oligarch. Progressive billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s non-profit Democracy Fund has given at least $600,000 to Kristol’s front group, Defending Democracy Together.
Omidyar has donated millions to organizations in the George Soros network such as the Open Society Foundations and the Tides Foundation. Republicans for the Rule of Law is listed as a “a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and a project of Defending Democracy Together” on their own website.
Amash’s opponents have speculated that he is being propped up by Democrats for years, and now they have solid evidence to back up that theory. Democratic dollars will be used to help Amash gain re-election in 2020 to continue his campaign against President Trump.