Blackface-Wearing Virginia AG Lectures About ‘Values’ In Opposition to Border Wall

The Democrat Attorney General of Virginia, who copped to wearing blackface at a fraternity party in the 1980’s is now lecturing the Trump administration on “values” as his state joins a lawsuit over Trump’s national emergency declaration.

“Concocting a fake emergency to build a needless wall goes against the Constitution and the values America was built on,” said Mark Herring in a statement according to WUSA9.

“President Trump’s ill-advised plan could divert critical funds from actual national security priorities, including military construction projects at bases and facilities throughout Virginia,” the statement continued.

After Big League Politics exposed Gov. Ralph Northam as a racist and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax as an alleged serial rapist,  Herring decided to admit that he, too, had partaken in racist activities to get ahead of any potential negative press.

Now, he’s asserting some feigned moral authority and lecturing the 63 million plus Americans who voted for a border wall – most of whom have never worn blackface – about America’s “values.” What are those values exactly?

Further evidence that Herring is an obvious hypocrite is the fact that he called on Northam to resign over Northam’s blackface scandal, but backed off that position when Fairfax’s job was jeopardized.

Sixteen states are throwing a petulant hissy fit over President Donald J. Trump’s National Emergency declaration, which will use Department of Defense funds to build a wall on the southern border.

California is leading the suit (surprise!), and is joined by Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Virginia.

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