BLM Leader Shaun King Threatens to Begin Doxxing Police Officers for Kenosha Rioters to Target

Black Lives Matter leader Shaun King is now threatening to doxx officers in Kenosha, Wisc. if they do not give the name of the officer who shot black serial felon Jacob Blake as he was lunging for his weapon this weekend.
The threatening post King made on Twitter can be seen here:
King has used the sustained violence going on across the country to push his anti-police, anti-American political agenda.
Just this weekend, Big League Politics reported on King endorsing widespread terrorism, telling ordinary law-abiding Americans they had “earned it” and that law enforcement must be dismantled.
That tweet can be seen here:
As of right now, both of King’s terror tweets remain live on Twitter.
Meanwhile, Twitter is aggressively censoring President Trump for merely raising legitimate concerns about widespread mail-in voting:
The social media giant Twitter is censoring President Donald Trump again, placing a warning on a tweet he published Sunday morning about the dangers of mail-in voting.
“So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a voter security disaster. Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. Also, who controls them, are they placed in Republican or Democrat areas? They are not Covid sanitized. A big fraud!” Trump wrote in his Tweet.
“This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about civic and election integrity. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible,” Twitter wrote in their warning about Trump’s Tweet…
This is not the first time that the platform has censored Trump because of comments he made about mail-in voting. Twitter redirected users to establishment propaganda in favor of mail-in voting earlier this year after Trump made a post about its dangers.
While Twitter considers President Trump’s attempts to protect the integrity of the U.S. elections a violation of their terms of service, they allow pedophiles to discuss raping children on their platform.
King also supported terrorism when it was committed by ANTIFA martyr Willem Van Spronsen, who attacked an ICE facility in Tacoma, Wa. last year.
“Willem Van Spronsen just became the first martyr attempting to liberate imprisoned refugees from a for-profit detention center in Tacoma, Washington. His hero was John Brown -the white abolitionist who led the raid on harpers Ferry in 1859,” King wrote in a deleted tweet. “This is what our country has come to.”
“His actions will be called terrorism and people will call him crazy, but neither are true. His mind was very clear,” King continued.
“He wasn’t crazy – inaction is,” King added.