BLM’S AMERICA: Thug with 16-Year Violent Criminal History Cracks Woman’s Skull with Baseball Bat in Seattle

A thug with a 16-year history of violent crime was let loose on the streets due to liberal criminal justice policies, and now an innocent woman’s skull was cracked as a result.
Wantez Tulloss, 31, was caught on video Jan. 31 taking a swing at the skull of Emma Shengnan Wang, who works as an Amazon engineer in Seattle, Wash. Wang was bleeding profusely after Tulloss’ savage attack as bystanders rushed to her aid on the scene. She will need surgery and is expected to recover from the attack.
Tulloss has been arrested 11 times since 2012. His criminal history goes back 16 years, having been arrested 26 times since 2008. His rap sheet includes first-degree robbery, domestic violence and assault. He was wanted for third-degree theft at the time of Wang’s assault and remains on the loose at the present time.
Afterward, authorities claimed that Wang told them she “cannot figure out why anyone would do this to her.”
“’She stated that her family is in China, and it was very hard for her family to hear about this,” an officer said.
“The defendant is a significant danger to the community and very likely to commit a violent offense if he remains out of custody,” prosecutor Brynn N. H. Jacobson said.
Big League Politics has reported on Seattle turning into a lawless hellscape due to the activities of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter thugs:
“A documentary published by Seattle radio station KOMO reveals the devastating impact of anarcho-tyranny and leftist governance on the Washington city, providing shocking insight into the failure of the city government.
“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” lays bare the soaring homelessness, open drug use, violent crime, and wholesale tolerance of petty offenses plaguing the once-orderly and admired city. Longtime residents express their exasperation with the decline of Seattle, pointing to a partially socialist city council driven by “racial justice” leftism.
If you thought the disturbing tale of the left-wing CHAZ insurrection tells the full story of Seattle’s decline into anarcho-tyranny, you haven’t seen the full picture. (The documentary video is free to watch on KOMO’s YouTube channel, and is age-restricted.)
The Fight for the Soul of Seattle describes a war between drug addiction, vagrancy, repeat offenders, anarchist militants and ordinary citizens of the city- with the city’s government determined to take the side of the former. Small business owners and even one judge speak out in the documentary- with the latter describing a culture of leftist intimidation in support of criminals that led him to flee the city after sentencing a repeat felon to a serious prison term.
If you thought the anarcho-tyranny and tolerance of urban degeneracy practiced in Los Angeles and Portland were the worst, you’re likely unfamiliar with the ground zero of the growing phenomenon in Seattle.“
Welcome to Black Lives Matter’s America, where low IQ thugs are empowered to prey upon the innocent. This is what a nation under occupation from diversity and multiculturalism looks like.