California is Attempting to Become the First State to Offer Non-Citizens Health Care

According to a report by The Independent, all of California’s low-income residents, irrespective of their immigration status, will be eligible for the state’s Medicaid coverage if Governor Gavin Newsom’s state budget proposal is approved.

Newsom’s proposed $286 billion state budget features a provision to expand Medi-Cal eligibility to all California residents. Such a move would make California the first state to expand healthcare coverage for all residents.

“California is poised to be … the first state in the country to achieve universal access to health coverage,” Newsom declared during a press conference on January 10.

Immigrants ages 26 and below gained eligibility for the program in 2019, and migrants ages 55 and older became eligible in 2021.

California offers a glimpse into the multicultural future that America’s post-national elites want to impose on the entire country. In the case of California, its ruling class clearly views the Historic American Nation as an afterthought. Instead, Californian leaders labor diligently to serve the interests of foreigners — all at the expense of the heritage Californians whose forebears built that once great state. 

Similar trends can be seen with New York City, through its measures that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. 

From its homelessness to rampant crime, the California model will become a national standard if the Republican Party doesn’t take measures to limit both domestic and foreign migration. We’re at a time when Republicans at the state level must take preventive measures to keep their states red.

Complacency is no longer an option and Republican-controlled state legislatures need to be carrying out the will of their grassroots constituents, lest they want their states to fall into the blue fold and turn into multicultural cesspools.

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