CENSORSHIP: WordPress De-Platforms Blog That Posted Statistics About Muslims

A blog that posted statistics about Muslims has been squashed from WordPress in an apparent effort to censor information that might portray the “religion of peace” in a negative light.

The site, called muslimstatistics.wordpress.com was suspended for an alleged terms of service violation:

One of the pieces from the website, archived here, shows that the content was in no way malicious. Rather, it was factual.

“USA: Muslim ‘refugees’ – 91.4% on food stamps, 68.3% on Cash Welfare,” said the headline of a post from 2015.

To prove its claim, the site used a chart from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – a federal government entity:

The post then simply explained the chart:

The statistics in the chart are provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The ORR figures defined refugees from the “Middle East” as being from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen.

During the time period referenced in the chart (FY2008 to FY2013), the United States admitted 115,617 refugees from the Middle East and granted asylum to another 10,026.  Also during this 5-year time frame, according to the Department of Homeland Security, the United States granted permanent admission to a total of 308,805 individuals from these same 10 Middle Eastern countries (designated as refugee-sending nations) through the issuance of green cards.

These government statistics were apparently too inflammatory for WordPress, who decided to censor the blog.

WordPress recently took down another blog, Creeping Sharia, that chronicled the misdeeds of Muslims in the West.

Big League Politics reported:

A blog that chronicled the rise of Sharia in the West and the persecution of Christians worldwide was told abruptly by WordPress Monday that its content was no longer welcome on the platform.

In an automated message, Creeping Sharia was informed that it had violated WordPress’ terms of service, and that it was no longer welcome to use the platform. The message said:

Upon review of your  site we have determined that your content does not align with our Terms of Service or User Guidelines. As stated in our Terms, we may choose to stop providing service to an account at any time, for any reason, or none at all. As such, your site has been suspended and will not be returned.

Creeping Sharia’s apparent crime was reporting stories like Islamist terror attacks that killed Christians in Nigeria, or that Mohammad was the number one name for baby boys in Berlin, Germany in 2018.

The site describes itself on Twitter as “Documenting news on the threat of Islamic sharia law and jihad to freedoms in the U.S., and beyond.”

The topic of censorship by Big Tech is at the forefront of political discourse.

The purge of Creeping Sharia is the latest in a wave of de-platforming by large technology platforms.

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