Clinton Crony Lawyer Targeting Roger Stone Apparently LIED About Hillary’s Missing Emails

Big League Politics has talked about Hillary Clinton’s attack dog lawyer, Jeannie Rhee in the past.
Rhee is leading Mueller’s probe into Trump associate Roger Stone, and trying to charge him with perjury. Stone continually denies any acts of wrongdoing, and has taken two polygraph tests to prove his innocence.
But Rhee is insistent, and it’s no wonder why. She has deep links to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
As previously reported at Big League Politics:
“Prior to joining Mueller’s investigative team Rhee represented former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails. Incredibly that is now one of the very subjects Rhee is investigating Stone over!
Rhee also represented the Clinton Foundation in 2015 against a racketeering lawsuit brought by the conservative legal activist group Freedom Watch in 2015.
Rhee’s husband Christoper served as a special assistant to then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, and as counsel to Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill, a leading critic of Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Jeannie Rhee is also a contributor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Rhee donated a total of $5,400 to Clinton in 2015 and 2016. Rhee also donated a combined $4,800 to Obama in 2008, and again in 2011. Rhee has also contributed y to the Democratic National Committee.”
But now Rhee’s commitment to Clinton is proven even deeper. She appears to be willing to LIE to support her corrupt pal.
In court documents from May of 2015, Rhee is seen claiming that Hillary Clinton turned over “all of her work-related or potentially work-related email communications” to the State Department to fulfill a Freedom of Information request.
But as it turns out, that wasn’t true at all. In September of 2015 it was revealed that a chain of emails failed to be turned over despite the lawful demand.
Here's a find: Special Counsel Jeannie Rhee lied to a Federal Judge about Hillary Clinton's emails.
6/2015: Rhee tells Judge that Hillary has provided State Dept with all her emails.
9/2015: AP reports that there are new emails Clinton failed to turn over.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) December 11, 2018
So did Rhee lie in court testimony? It appears that she did. And if she did, how can anybody take her seriously while trying to pursue charges against others for supposedly lying under oath?
Her crusade against Roger Stone is based around claims that he had connections to WikiLeaks.
There is no solid proof proving that claim, and troves of evidence disproving it.
But as the Mueller probe has proven time and time again, evidence doesn’t matter. Why try to convict somebody for the crime you suspect them of when you can simply create a new crime out of thin air by trapping somebody into committing perjury?
Roger Stone, who is credited as the man who made Donald Trump’s political career, is being targeted heavily by deep state prosecutors trying to silence him. For that reason, he has now has a legal defense fund, which can be found at