CNN Wonders: Worst Black History Month Ever?

Thursday night, CNN had a hilarious panel during which the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Convention wondered: was February the worst Black History Month ever?
“We have blackface, we have the ‘N’ word, and calls for the return of the KKK,” Don Lemon said stoically on “New Day.”
“Yes. All that happened just this month,” he said.
Lemon launched into a tirade about how racism is alive and well all over America. But he forgot to mention which side of the political aisle ruined Black History. Strange that Lemon decided to be non-partisan in this moment.
Of course, Virginia’s Democratic Governor Ralph Northam was exposed by Big League Politics as a racist who wore blackface or a KKK robe for a photo that appeared in his medical school yearbook. Shortly thereafter, Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring, also a Democrat, admitted to wearing blackface too.
Northam’s wife Pam rounded out the month by handing balls of cotton to black school children visiting the state house and asked them to imagine being enslaved.
The political left was nearly redeemed after alleged white nationalists yelling “this is MAGA country” attacked black actor Jussie Smollett, a Democrat and liberal activist. Unfortunately for them, Smollett planned and carried out a hate crime hoax against himself. He was arrested for a felony. The scandal lasted for a period of weeks and spanned nearly the entire month.
Finally, Maryland House Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti, a Democrat, reportedly referred to an area in which her colleague was canvassing as “n***** county.”
“Racism is not just a part of our history, it’s not just a part of our past, it’s alive in American today,” Lemon finished.
If only Democrats would knock it off, America might be able to put it in the past for good.
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