CNN’s Jeff Zucker: Fox News a “Propaganda Outlet”

CNN’s President Jeff Zucker sought to cover for the Democratic National Committee’s decision to box out Fox News from hosting a Democratic Primary debate on Saturday, calling the popular cable news channel a “propaganda outlet.”

Zucker was speaking at the South by Southwest Film Festival (SXSW).

The fake news kingpin made it clear he was pleased by the Democratic Party’s decision, which would leave the hosting of Democratic Party debates exclusively reserved to liberal and progressive mainstream media outlets. He questioned whether Fox News was “state-run TV,” apparently unaware that a great portion of Fox’s on-air personalities are staunch progressives who have always opposed President Donald Trump and an America First policy platform.

Placing Democratic Debates exclusively on MSNBC and CNN would enable Democratic candidates to escape a considerable level of scrutiny and criticism related to issues such as political corruption and a cozy relationship to a liberal-media industrial complex. The party’s been trying to reassure Democratic voters that it won’t repeat what happened in 2016, when party bosses rigged the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton, only to be exposed in the act by shocking WikiLeaks revelations.

Zucker went on to assert several other liberal conspiracy theories, including claiming that the Trump administration was working to shaft CNN through its dealings with the network’s parent company, Time Warner.

In spite of Zucker’s objections to Fox News’ content, it continues to draw far higher ratings than its progressive competitors like CNN and MSNBC on a regular basis. Two primetime Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, take first and third place for the most-watched political television shows in America respectively.

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