Democrat State Senator in Utah Apologizes for Giving Money to ANTIFA/BLM Rioter Charged with Felony

A homosexual state senator in Utah is apologizing for donating to a left-wing rioter representing the ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter movement who has been charged with a felony.

“It is a matter of record that I support criminal justice reform. I love Salt Lake City and Utah, and I believe in progressive activism,” Sen. Derek Kitchen (D-Salt Lake City) wrote in his apology.

“In this instance I responded to a solicitation on social media for financial support for what I understood would be a peaceful rally for justice,” he continued.

“I gave a small contribution to support the cause of justice, but I wasn’t involved in the planning or organization of the event,” he explained. “I did not attend the protest and have only seen press reports of what happened. I will always advocate for the constitutional right to peaceful protest but I don’t condone violence or vandalism.”

His full statement can be seen here:

Kitchen is being investigated with four other liberal Democrats for donating to the Venmo account of ANTIFA/BLM rioter Madalena McNeil. McNeil has been charged with a first-degree felony for her alleged participation in a violent July 9 protest in which police were accosted and the district attorney’s office was vandalized.

Kitchen sent $10 to McNeil on June 28 along with the word “paint” to describe his Venmo donation. McNeil and other leftists have been accused of vandalizing the district attorney’s office with paint, which makes it seem as if Kitchen knew exactly what he was supporting when he sent money to the activist.

McNeil confirmed in a tweet that she is friends with Kitchen and whined about how police resources were being squandered by the investigation.

“Good to know that police resources are being spent to investigate the very serious crime of my friend sending me $10. Never forget that all of this is because @SimGillDA got his feelings hurt by protestors speaking out against him upholding and excusing police brutality,” she wrote.

Salt Lake City police spokesman Greg Wilking is currently investigating the matter, and his office is taking the matter very seriously.

“It’s one of those things where people are paying to get this paint that will cause destruction and cost taxpayers money,” Wilking said. “We don’t look at the size of crime, necessarily. It’s what that represents.”

Big League Politics has reported on dangerous leftist riots in Utah, including a Provo display that featured a deranged leftist shooting at a terrified motorist:

Footage emerged Monday night of a Black Lives Matter rioter opening fire upon a motorist who refused to stop for a roadblock the mob of rioters had set up in Provo, Utah, inching through an intersection as a group of rioters attempted to detain him.

The mask-clad man was caught on camera firing at the window of the motorist’s SUV at least twice.

A close-up shows a rioter clearly holding a semiautomatic pistol, which can be heard firing at the man’s white SUV at least twice.

The pistol is quite clearly pointed at the vehicle’s driver, potentially creating a basis for attempted murder charges against the violent criminal who opened fire. The earlier footage shows little to no real risk to the rioters as the driver inched through their illegal roadblock, and they could’ve easily just stood aside as the man drove on his way.

The incident has several similarities to an earlier Black Lives Matter shooting in Amalosa, Colorado, in which an attorney named James Marshall shot a disabled veteran in the head. Marshall would later be charged with attempted murder, although remarkably the BLM protestor, who is caught on camera shooting at Danny Pruitt, has been freed on bail.

Democrats are learning that there are consequences for fomenting a nationwide terror movement. Kitchen will be lucky if he is not detained by DHS for his supporting role in ANTIFA/BLM violence.

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