#DEXIT: AfD Patriots Announce Effort to Remove Germany From the European Union
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has announced the Dexit, the political organization’s push to remove their country from the European Union and restore national sovereignty.
“Next year the AfD will enter the German parliament and Dexit will be top on our agenda,” said Franz Wiese, AfD’s European policy spokesman.
“I know the German people want to be free of EU slavery,” Thuringian AfD Group Chairman Björn Höcke said.
“Germans must decide on staying in the EU. The AfD is the only party which speaks out clearly in favour of them deciding,” said Georg Pazderski of the Berlin AfD.
AfD is pushing the Dexit along with policies of ending COVID-19 lockdowns and restricting immigration. Their slogan heading into this year’s elections is: “Germany. But normal.”
The party’s co-chair, Joerg Meuthen, said during a Saturday gathering of 600 AfD delegates in Dresden that there must be an end to “these orgies of bans, these imprisonments, this madness of the lockdown.” The AfD is opposing the totality of the supranational globalist system.
“The time is ripe for a new Europe, a Europe of fatherlands, where we peacefully trade with each other, maintain partnerships and respect the will of the national sovereignties,” AfD leader Frauke Petry said after Brexit.
Big League Politics has reported on the success of the Brexit and how it made globalists on the Left and Right expose their internationalist agenda:
“A YouGov poll shows that every region of England and Wales with the exception of London wants Brexit to go through.
On top of that, voters want to leave the European Union even if Theresa May’s government cannot reach a deal by April 12 .
46 percent favor a No Deal Brexit in the Midlands and Wales. On the other hand, 31 percent want to stay in the EU.
In Southern England, 44 percent support a No Deal Brexit and 34 percent support staying in the EU. Voters in Northern England are for No Deal and 34 want to remain.
That being said, YouGov found very different results in London, where 26 percent of voters support Brexit and 48 percent want to remain in the EU.
The YouGov poll asked a simple question: “If Britain has not agreed a deal by April 12, what do you think should happen?”
Scotland had similar results to London, with 28 percent of voters in support of No Deal.
With the British government failing to reach a deal, an air of uncertainty has emerged in the UK.”
As the Dexit idea gains momentum, the elitists of Germany will expose themselves to be enemies of national greatness. The AfD may be the country’s last chance for survival.