Disney’s Next Animated Film Will Include Gay Teen Romance, Posobiec Explains Why

The new Disney “Toy Story” spinoff titled “Lightyear” was an absolute flop, primarily because the film included a same-sex kiss that sparked massive controversy amongst consumers. The movie was notably banned in 11 countries because it posed a “violation of the country’s media content standards.”

One might think Disney would have learned from the Lightyear catastrophe, but instead, it appears that the woke company is doubling down on its LGBTQ agenda.

Now, Disney’s next animated feature film, “Strange World,” is expected to include the first openly gay teen romance in a children’s movie.

Production Designer for Animation Matthieu Saghezchi tweeted about catching a glimpse of the new film, saying “Just saw the very first glimpse into #Disney’s #StrangeWorld at the #Annecy2022 festival – it features the first openly gay teen romance in a disney feature!!! #RepresentationMatters.”

“The scene describes the son being very shy in front of his boy crush, and his dad comes in and says ‘so nice to meet you! my son talks about you all the time’ and further embarrasses his son… very cute,” he added.

New York Daily News seemingly supported Saghezchi’s tweet, by describing one of the three sequences in a recent report. Another outlet, WDWNT, noted that the teen romance will play a vital part in the animated feature film’s story, but it will not serve as the main plot.

Jack Posobiec, the host of the Human Events Daily podcast, shared an exclusive interview with Breitbart where he explained that Disney is willing to lose money on woke movies like Lightyear and Strange World to invest “into shifting the culture.” And ultimately “advance leftist politics in American culture and beyond.”

Per the post on Breitbart: “Posobiec noted how the Federal Reserve’s increasing use of left-wing criteria in its lending selections — billed ESG, an acronym for “environmental, social, and governance” — benefit politically aligned companies and institutions.

Moreover, Posobiec determined that Disney views a financial loss on Lightyear as an “investment in changing political culture.” He then went on to explain that companies like Disney “look at these as investments into shifting the culture forward in their direction, and that’s why they push things like this.”

Not including promotional expenditures, Lightyear reportedly cost $200 million to make. As Screen Rant explained, “The general rule of thumb is a movie has to earn double its production budget in order to break even. By that metric, Lightyear needs $400 million globally to recoup its costs.”

According to tracking from Box Office Mojo, Lightyear has thus far yielded under $91 million in ticket sales. Posobiec believes that Disney could not care less about these abysmal numbers. They are playing the long game instead.

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